Ari Seth Cohen, blogger, fotograaf en auteur, heeft een nieuw boek uit boordevol hippe oma’s en opa’s: Advanced Style: Older and Wiser.
In 2012 verscheen ‘Avanced Style’, daarin portretteerde Ari goedgeklede vrouwen in New York. Een selectie uit dat boek kon je hier op Wifty al een paar keer bewonderen.
Voor zijn 2de boek reisde Ari de wereld rond, hij zocht in Londen, Firenze, Rome, Los Angeles en Tokyo naar inspirerende oudere vrouwen – én deze keer ook mannen – die een statement maken met hun kleding.
Ari hoopt dat de mensen in zijn boek andere mensen helpen om te beseffen dat ouder worden deel uitmaakt van het leven en dat je er evengoed plezier aan kan beleven: “It’s about playing, it’s about joy, it’s about having fun.”
Naast mooie portretten is er deze keer ook plaats voor storytelling. 22 ouderen vertellen over hun leven en geven hun stijlgeheimen prijs.
We zien ze graag, Ari’s vrouwen, ze inspireren ons enorm. Het zijn stuk voor stuk paradijsvogels. OK, het is duidelijk dat ze geld te spenderen hebben, maar ook met een klein budget kan je kleur bekennen en ver weg blijven van de grijs/beige schutkleuren die oma’s vroeger onzichtbaar maakten.
Hier krijgen onze Wifty Queen Toet, styliste Linda Van Waesberghe en mijn eigen moeder alvast een eervolle vermelding voor hun ‘Advanced Style’! :-)
Geniet alvast van deze 21 prachtige vrouwen uit Ari’s nieuwe boek, en dan hebben we het niet alleen over hun uiterlijk, laat je vooral inspireren door hun advies!
Advanced Style: Older and Wiser van Ari Seth Cohen kan je bestellen @ – Bron:

Sarah-Jane Adams (60): My wrinkles do not scare me, I see them as a badge of honor and a mark of roads I traveled and experiences had. Why would I not be happy and proud to show them? I am growing into the face I deserve and a face that reflects who I am and what I have been.”

Morton (77) en Viriginia Linder (76): “Virginia and I have been together full-time for 53 years. We feel we have been on a magical mystery tour and are still on our honeymoon. Ginny says that the secret is to always be nice to each other. Of course we have our ups and downs, but as long as we are together we feel we can overcome most things.”
Linda Rodin (67): “I have never felt the urge to dye my hair – I started turning grey at 35 – or have a face-lift. For me it has always been ‘health is wealth’, and the rest is all fine with me. Chasing my mouth has never been a goal of

Roberta Haze (78): “As far as style is concerned, you either have it or you don’t! No rules! Fashion is not style! The biggest thing I have learned is to have gratitude for what I have in my life, and to not dwell (on) what I think I want or need!”

Bob Miller (89): “Avoid spending all your time with your age group; you’ll not learn anything you don’t already know. Make an effort to be well-groomed and polished at all times; you’ll like yourself more, you’ll want to take ‘you out.’ … Life is an adventure. Get out there and live!”

Lana Turner (65): “The art of the body as canvas presents new ideas of how I want to be and live. Sometimes is starts with a hat; other times a pair of glovers. Sometimes I just want to make raindrops happy. Sometimes I can hear Ella (Fitzgerald) sing all the way back to were she started. Sometimes it’s a color; other times, light and shadow. How delicious it is to discover a new palette every day. Potent forces are always at work.”

Suzi Click (66): “My designs reflect my personality and my passion for ethnic embellishment. This is how I dress – expressing the power of adornment in my own mix of textures, colors and patterns with bold jewelry for a luxe, bohemian vibe.”

Judith Boyd (72): “I found an entire community of older people who love to express themselves through style. It was life-changing, encouraging me to be as vreative as I wanted to be and to accept myself and my aging process as positive and life-affirming. I believe that these beautiful connections and my love for self-expression contribute to my health and quality of life.”

Tao Porchon-Lynch (97): “In my head I’m still in my 20s, and I have no intention to ever growing up. When people ask me about age, I tell them to look at all the trees around them. They’re hundreds of years old. The may look as if the’re dying at the moment, but they’re not. They’re recycling themselves. In a couple of months, they’re going to be reborn again. I believe we can recycle ourselves with each breath we take.”

Joy Venturini Bianchi (77): “When I choose clothes that feel connected to my innermost soul, I feel like I have escaped gravity and that I have a direct connection with the rest of humanity. Fashion can truly unite us as a community – a place where we can truly enjoy each other, perhaps even to love each other – as we celebrate life and celebrate difference.”

Gretchen Schields (67): “I construct my jewelry with multiple storylines of color, texture and pattern. My necklaces have a complicated plot of elements. Earrings reflect the flash of the wearer eyes, opening her ear to secrets. Wear the necklace over your heart – it adds its voice to yours. Adornment is the power to proclaim your own creative story.”

Maureen Gumbe (68): “Style emanates from my soul and reflects feelings, colors, uniqueness, confidence in the choice of clothing and accessories I wear. A whimsical touch makes me feel different from others.”

Lyn Slater (62): “I have always believed that life is perfomed. We can write original stories or we can accept the scripts that others have written for us. I came up in a generation that refused to the accept the status quo, the roles an the life that our mothers and grandmothers had before us.”

Ilona Royce Smithkin (95): “When you don’t have to worry about yourself anymore, you are free for any experience. It’s like opening the door and lettin the fresh air come in.”

Colleen Heidemann (67): “Today, it seems that those over the age of 55 of 60 simply vanish, only to receive celebratory kodus upon turning 100. Women, in particular, feel utterly invisible and entirely dismissed. The splendor and majesty of a grand sympony lie within the presence and participation of its myriad components. The ‘plus-agées sect’ are the violins of the orchestra. Their music is fanciful, fearless, feisty and fun. Their flair gad its own form of beauty and majesty, and they have a right to be a visible, viable part of the world in wich they live.”

Alice Carey, mid-60’s: “My generation – ‘baby boomers’ they call us – never thought we’d grow old. Old was for our parents. We’d be forever young. I am not old. Do I dare add ‘yet’? My generation has only just entered in a new stage of life, what I call the ‘adolescence of old age.’ Think of it as another shot at youth, with all its pitfalls and pleasures, with you – and not our parents – at the helm.”

Joy Carpati (83): “Most women as they age lament the loss of their youth and beauty. I never wanted to look young. I only wanted to look as lovely as I could at any age. Now at 83, my feelings have only become stronger.”

Manuela Muguerza y Garca-Moreno (93): “I believe that one must always find one’s style and be true to it. Clothes are important, as they tell the world who your are and your philosophy of life. As for beauty advice: never go to bed with make-up on, and always buy the best products you can afford. Keep your skin hydrated and away from the sun. And finally, smile at life: it is wonderful to be alive!”

Beatrix Ost (75): “I love every day, even if others find it dreadful. I cannot sympathize with them. I don’t hang on the fickle weathervane of moods.”

Sue Kreitzman (76): “My age is somewhere between mid-70s and eternity, but I am not really an old lady – I’m just cleverly disguised as one. I know that I am not immortal, but I am ageless. Traveling through time as long as I have is an adventure and a privilege. Every morning that I wake up and find that I can still think, I can still move, I am still alive: that is a good day.”

Valerie Von Sobel (74): “If you don’t make your life a bit grandiose, who will do it for you? I always had the luck to dress as I wished, and now I do it with more abandonment than ever, I dare! Some think it’s frivolous, but I don’t. It matters – and to me it always has. It speaks of you before you speak.”
Suuuuuuuuper I love it.
Bedankt voor het mooie compliment in jullie tekst.
het is inderdaad niet alleen hun kleding het is de goesting in het leven die van de foto’s spat ze leven allemaal graag en dat uit zich duidelijk in hun kledingkeuze en dat kan zeker en vast ook met weinig geld HEEL MOOI EN WIJS
Baeyens Annie
Wow, wat een opkikker bij het zien van deze prachtige kleurrijke dames en het lezen van hun levenswijsheid. Als vijfenzestigjarige krijg ik het gevoel dat het leven pas nu begint en dat we nog helemaal niet afgeschreven zijn!